Sunday, 25 October 2009

National Geographic

I'm a big fan of National Geographic Magazine for the quality of their articles and the brilliance of their photographs. This month's issue is well up to standard and I was very struck by one picture by Monica Szczupider of chimpanzees mourning the death of one of their number.

Cameroon—At the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, more than a dozen residents form a gallery of grief, looking on as Dorothy—a beloved female felled in her late 40s by heart failure—is borne to her burial.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Original Jake and Dinos Chapman art

I've been having a bit of a trawl through my database (it's nice to have a tidy up occasionally). I came across the following artwork which was given away, I think, by the Guardian website. It's by Jake and Dinos Chapman and I thought that you out there in the Blogosphere might be interested.

Birds on a wire

I saw this photograph in National Geographic magazine and it made me smile.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

London tourist tube map

With all the fuss about TfL removing the Thames from the tube map, have come up with a new simplified map for tourists.

Nice fretwork, sir!

Cross dressing, a thumping bass and glasses of milk (towards the end). What's not to like?